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Privacy Policy
Our basic guidelines about personal infomation.
  1. We ask members to register their personal information in order to improve the services we provide. We always inform you of the purpose if we request any kind of personal information.
  2. We manage the security of personal information very carefully. We will not sell, misuse, or "leak" the personal information of our members.
  3. Regarding the above #2, we will continuously improve our office systems and security measures to ensure your privacy is protected.
  4. When a member makes a reasonable request regarding disclosure, confirmation, correction, or deletion of their information, we will respond in a timely and efficient manner.
  5. In addition to the above #4, we will try to adhere to a policy of privacy protection of members based on the "indicator of personal information protection" (By Ministry of Economy, Trade Industry).
Purpose of the acquisition and use of personal information.
We show mutual information to member can search their information each other that made each members relations closely and development between members based on our original affinity matching theory. We perform introductions for members depending on compatibility and whether or not the company deems it appropriate.

Member's recognition of the necessity of providing personal information.
To receive Angel's All Services, it is necessary for members to register their personal information through our web site.When members do not input this data, we cannot provide our services. It is advantageous to disclose all required information.

We only disclose the personal information of our members in the following situations.
  1. When we obtain our member's consent.
  2. Our contracted classified information, when we necessary to prepare fir the services, we offer to our classified information contract such as sales company a financial institution concluding a contract of secret maintenance.
  3. When information is displayed on the homepage as the result of a "search", or when we offer information to our members via E-mail.
  4. If we have to disclose information in order to comply with laws and regulations.
  5. To use the statistical information of our members for the purpose of improving our services.
  6. In order to protect and assist members in the event of an emergency.
We manage personal information security very carefully. We will never lose, leak or manipulate your personal information without your consent.

About personal information registered, disclosure, correction and deletion.
Members have the right to demand disclosure and/or correction and deletion of their information. After we confirm that your registered information is your own, we will disclose to you your information. In the event that the personal information which you have registered with is wrong, we might request that you make the necessary corrections.

When you request a disclosure of personal information, please contact the following reference.
Kankyo I Co.,Ltd. Customer Service Center
150-0031 NES Bld. South 7F
22-14 Sakuragaoka-cho Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
TEL : 0120-989-100
MAIL : privacy@angelclub.jp